Saturday, December 21, 2013

Path of Exile- Ground beef

quite the chili mix, too

In Path of Exile I'm playing as a Witch with a summoner build. This means I can spawn zombie and skeleton friendos to tank enemies for me.

There's this one mini-boss named General Gravicius and I soon learned that I did not have the best fire resistances to stand around him for too long. Old Grav mostly has fire based AoE spells and they hurt.

I ended up just spawning minion friendos on top of him over and over again. Grav would just smite them into a paste immediately but not before taking a bit of chip damage. After a while, this was the result: a dead mini-boss and some kind of ground beef thing on the floor made up of who-knows-how-many minion friendos.

My old gaming laptop has finally fried itself after some 3 and a half years of service. This screenshot was taken on my work laptop. I'm researching new gaming laptops now and I hope to get my new gaming laptop by early to mid January. 

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